Fruit Grouping, 1997, blown glass; pear, 29 x 15 x 16 inches
Lemon and Lime with Kumquats, 1998, blown glass; lime, 110.5 x 18 x 12 inches
Still Life with Flora, 2000, blown glass and wood, 28 x 34 x 34 inches
Zanfirico Still Life, 1997, blown glass; pear, 29 inches
Fruit and Vegetable Grouping, 1994-2000, blown glass; peach, 18.5 x 20 x 21 inches
Peaches, 1991, blown glass, 19 x 20 x 29 and 4 x 5 x 4 inches
Peach, 1991, blown glass, Flora 63 inches
Fruit and Vegetable Goblets, 1995, blown glass; each goblet, 9.5 x 3.5 x 3.5 inches
Fruit Still Life, 2000, blown glass, wood, paint, 26 x 45 inches
Chili Pepper and Squash with Pumpkin, 1996, blown glass; chili pepper, 11.5 x 27 x 12 inches